Purchasing goods and paying services online has become a usual daily practice among many people around the world. All kinds of entrepreneurs, big and small businesses are in the race to attract as many buyers as possible. Nowadays, you can buy in online shops anything you need, from clothes to bike details, and save a lot of money.
The percent of e-commerce buyers is growing rapidly. In 2018, according to statista.com, 1.8 billion people worldwide purchased goods online. E-commerce industry analysis shows that evolving technologies and customer expectations will lead to retail innovations across the board, from online-only brands to retail giants. In 2021, over 2 billion people worldwide are expected to buy goods and services online, up from 1.6 billion global digital buyers in 2016.
Online payment methods weigh heavily on buying decisions. The amount of people choosing alternative methods to pay for online services and goods is increasing day by day. If to consider global payment preferences, almost 50% of customers around the world choosing digital payment methods and the number is increasing. With such a tendency, the cryptocurrency payments option gain more popularity as the cheapest and the fastest payment method comparing to all the others.
The majority of businesses tend to follow a similar path and improve their online stores according to worldwide tendencies. This is how companies one by one started to join the cryptocurrency world by adding the new payments method to their shopping system. Planning your holidays, purchasing video games, buying different kinds of goods or using hosting services — these and many other services are accepting Bitcoin, Ethereum and other digital assets.
After e-commerce business discovered all the benefits of crypto payments option for their service, they are searching for the gateway answering their needs and expectations. Thus, more and more businesses discover Bitcoinus cryptocurrencies payments gateway.
Comparing to other companies offering crypto payments solution for businesses, Bitcoinus has the smallest transaction fee on the market — only 0.5%. The other great advantages are fastest transactions, privacy — no 3d parties or additional information about your payments story. To control your business as you get used to, you can turn on such an option as AUTOMATIC conversions of all crypto payments made in your system to EUR. In this way, all the payments will be converted and sent directly to your bank account. In such a way, you get an additional payment method and get more customers, but you can do the business as you get used to. From the other hand, if you wish to deal with crypto in your e-commerce business or as a crypto investor, Bitcoinus is ready to provide you help with opening an account in a crypto-friendly bank.
For the easiest and fastest integration of Bitcoinus crypto payments solution, we have installed the most popular plugins: XCart, Shopware, Opencart and Woocommerce. If your online service has any other plugin — write to us, we will prioritize its installation and add it especially for your business. Also, you can use the API method and install Bitcoinus payments solution using the API documentation available on our website.
Become part of our growing ecosystem of e-commerce services that have implemented Cryptocurrency payments option and accept Bitcoin, Ethereum and other Altcoins. Make a serious step to improve your payments service and get more happy customers!
Don’t wait, start to use the cheapest and fastest payments in the world NOW!